Human Resource Excellence - continued
Continuous Training & Education:
The vitality of an organization depends on its people and its human organization. Adequate attention must be paid to the training and development. Market competitiveness,profitability,industrial relations and quality of life depend in large part on training. Because a timely competitive edge comes from people who know why they are there,what their job is and how it fits into the larger picture. What the system needs is people who are resourceful,innovative and educated and who can operate in new culture with new attitude.
Link individual & organization goals:
Organization goals must be broken down and in that light individual's roles and their job descriptions should be prepared and intimated to them. Each individual has his own personal goals. Care has to be taken that while achieving the organizational goals, each individual also attains his personal goals. This goal congruency will motivate people to a great extent. This implies a management capable of specifying multiple goals, weighing them,inter-relating them and finding synergetic policies.
Participation in Improvements:
Participation leads to involvement which improves efficiency and leads to member's / employee's satisfaction,enhances morale and makes the relationship more harmonious.Human resource policies today have to be oriented towards encouraging participative management culture and team work. The present information age needs synergy that results when several people focused on a common goal work in a collective manner with cohesive behavior, a higher productivity is accomplished than could ever be achieved by them independently.
Working in teams is one of the best examples of participative management.Team work is characterized by a striving for perfection. - a relentless pursuit of excellence. Again the objective of team work is to obtain the commitment of employees at all levels. A simple conceptual diagram given below demonstrates the commitment objective quite succinctly,while emphasizing the importance of participation.
Eliminate fear of failure:
The main thing to bear in mind is that competence is created on the job. It is only when one shoulders responsibility that he makes his own decisions and deals with people that he develops. The secret of development lies in encouraging the people to take initiative and to attempt the seemingly impossible,even if this entails some failures. It is known that initially only few venturesome take the risk,with encouragement more and more people become venturesome. It provides the best strategy for generating and managing creative human energies.
Cross functional teams / Quality circles etc.:
Some of the successful methods in developing the people and encouraging participation are cross functional reams,departmental quality goal teams,Quality circles and suggestion schemes. Through these structured activities people participate in the improvement process as teams.
Recognition & reward:
People who stand out in their efforts should be recognized and rewarded both for performance and behavior. Those working for continuous improvement need this in particular as a stimulus and motivation. When desirable behavior is encouraged by recognition and rewards, such behavior is reinforced. When people are recognized for a worthy effort, others who come to know of it, will strive to emulate them for similar recognition.The selection criteria should not be just what has been achieved but how it has been achieved.
Next: Customer orientation