The Quality Control of any manufacturing process is categorized in to three parts:
1.Incoming material
2.Intermediate Product
3.Final Product
The Quality Control starts right at the beginning of the process where raw and auxiliary materials are received from vendors/suppliers.
The material received is tested for laid down critical parameters and accepted/rejected based on the test results.
Once the raw material is processed through various stages, in-process control tests are conducted by testing samples at different stages of the manufacturing till the finished product.
The finished product is tested for prescribed parameters or as per the customer requirements.
Quality Control is very critical in any type of industry whether continuous process, batch process or service industry.
Examples of continuous process are Pulp & Paper, Rayon-grade pulp, Steel, Glass bottles, Viscose filament/staple fiber, etc.
Examples of batch process include Phenol Formaldehyde resins, pharmaceuticals, etc.
Examples of service industry include automobile, couriers, etc.
It is pertinent to point out here that Quality control applies to any type of industry. Once the techniques are learnt the same can be applied to any continuous process industry, batch process & service industry.
Let us consider a case study for Quality Control in Pulp & Paper industry.
The main raw material for pulp & paper industry is wood based i.e.; bamboo, hardwood, softwood and various agricultural residues like grass, bagasse etc.
Quality control is exercised to select the correct raw material based on availability, physical and chemical attributes, processability, etc.
The raw material is processed through different processes like Sulfate, sulfite, cold soda, mechanical, chemi -mechanical, etc.
In sulfate process the raw material is cooked with chemicals to make unbleached pulp, bleached to target brightness and further processed to a final product as pulp sheets or paper.
Intermediate stages of cooking and bleaching are tested for Brightness and viscosity, cleanliness, freeness / slowness, etc.
The final product in the form of pulp sheets / paper is tested for prescribed parameters like brightness, viscosity, mechanical strength properties like tensile strength, tear resistance, etc.
Quality control does not end at the final product stage but extends to pollution abatement where the waste water, gases generated and land pollution are concerned. Regular checks are conducted on the effluents generated, gases released in to atmosphere, and solid wastes dumped on the ground.
In a nut shell Quality Control at each and every stage of product life cycle is vital for any product, which includes the social responsibility of pollution abatement.
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Hyderabad 500072